10 days

10 days to go, =) life is getting better when i’m approaching another transition in my life. i like beginnings, and sometimes endings too.. i hate the in-between.. i don’t know when i realized this.. or maybe this is just a passing fancy for now., i just noticed that when i’m starting to grow roots and settle into a place or a situation or a person, i begin to have doubts and fear of attachment.. funny really, coz i used to have fear of abandonment, oh well, i probably had too much coffee, i’m babbling again.. and i don’t even drink coffee =)

last tuesday, i watched the movie adaptation of stephen king’s IT at around 2 am., it ruined any chances of me getting sleep =) now two days later, my body clock still hasn’t adjusted.. good thing there are early morning movies to keep me company =) hopefully not as gruesome as IT. this reminds me of my sesame street entry from way back =)…

im really a night person, i should get a night job =)

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